Чтоб уже ни у кого не оставалось сомнений насчёт того, кто спонсирует наших правозащитников:


на странице Фонда Сахарова они сами признаются, что получают поддержку Агентства США по международному развитию (USAID), Фонда Джексона (США), Фонда Сахарова (США). См. в самом низу скриншота.



Идём дальше. Кто спонсирует сайт "Права человека в России"? В разное время проект был поддержан правительством Швейцарии (при содействии Ассоциации "Дорога Свободы"), Правозащитным фондом "За гражданское общество", Фондом Форда, Программой поддержки общественных инициатив, Институтом "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса), фонд National Endowment for Democracy.

Фонд "Мемориал" (это те, которые врут про репрессии). Фонд "Мемориал" (это те, которые врут про репрессии). Американские спонсоры: Фонд Сороса, Фонд Форда, Эдвард Клайн и Издательство им. Чехова ( тоже США), Фонд Джексона, Колумбийский университет, Фонд поддержки демократии, Фонд им. Бредли, Фонд Гугенхейма, Общественный архив рассекреченных материалов.

Фонд "Евразия". Основное финансирование от Агентства США по Международному Развитию (USAID). Главный офис фонда - в Вашингтоне, Округ Колумбия.


«Фонд защиты гласности». NED (Национальный Фонд в Поддержку Демократии, США), Фонд Форда (США), Фонд Дж. и К. МакАртуров (США), Фонд «Евразия» (США).





Горбачёв-Фонд, он же The International Non-governmental Foundation for Socio-economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev-Foundation). Имеет представительствa в США и других странах. Получает деньги от Корпорации Карнеги (Нью-Йорк), см. скриншот справа под заглавием "Новые релизы". Хотя это и не совсем правозащитники, но по степени вредительства фонд Горбачёва им не уступает. Например, недавно он выпустил книгу В. Д. Соловья «Русская история: новое прочтение» (М.: АИРО-XXI, 2005. — 320 с.), где автор доказывает генетически обусловленную неполноценность русских по сравнению с западоидами. Мол, никогда нам не стать людьми, т.к. наша варварская культура у нас в крови. Мы-то думали, что такие идеи погибли с фашизмом, но, видать, поторопились.

С гордостью показывает Горбачёв на своей странице, кто его поздравил с днём рожденья. Например, известная русофобка Елена Боннер ("правозащитница", жена Сахарова; см. скриншот), сектант Сри Чимной (на сайте его назвали просто "борцом за мир"), несколько помощников в разрушении СССР - Г. Коль, М. Тэтчер, Дж. Буш-ст., Генри Киссинджер и Шеварнадзе. Но список, в общем-то коротенький. И русских в нём, слава Богу, нет.




А вот списочек грантоедов с сайта USAID:

Агентство США по исследованиям в области организации здравоохранения
Академия Развития Образования
Американские Центры по профилактике и контролю заболеваний (CDC)
Американский Международный Союз Здравоохранения (AIHA)
Ассоциация Голос
Ассоциация Независимых Региональных Издателей
Банк Русский Банкирский Дом
Врачи Мира - США
Всемирная Организация Здравоохранения (ВОЗ)
Деловой Форум США-Россия
Департамент финансов штата Аляска
Джон Сноу Инк. (JSI)
Добровольческий корпус по оказанию финансовых услуг (ДКОФУ)
Достижения Молодых (Junior Achievement Russia, JAR)
ЗАО "Райффайзенбанк Австрия"
Институт Устойчивых Сообществ
Институт экономики города
Интерньюс Россия
Интститут экономики переходного периода
Искра Воронежская региональная неправительственная детская организация
Кузбасский Центр "Инициатива"
Международная Корпорация Университетских Исследований (URCI)
Международная Федерация Красного Креста и Красного Полумесяца
Министерство здравоохранения и социального обеспечения
Московская Хельсинская Группа
Московская Школа Политических Исследований
Московский Общественный Научный Фонд (МОНФ)
Независимая Ассоциация Директоров
Нижегородский Банкирский Дом
НКО "Вера, Надежда, Любовь"
Отдел охраны окружающей среды штата Аляска
Офис Глобального Здравоохранения и Здоровья Беженцев (OIRH)
Региональная Общественная Организация Инвалидов "Перспектива"
Российский Институт Директоров
Российский Микрофинансовый Центр (РМЦ)
Самарская региональная общественная организация "Историко-эко-культурная ассоциация "Поволжье"
Сибирский Центр Поддержки Общественных Инициатив
Совет по Международным Исследованиям и Обменам (IREX, АЙРЕКС)
Трансатлантические Партнеры Против СПИДа
Университет штата Аляска, г. Анкоридж - Американско-Российский Центр (UAA/ARC)
Университет штата Миннесота
Университет штата Северная Каролина
Управление промышленного развития и экспорта штата Аляска (AIDEA)
Фонд Евразия
Фонд независимых радиовещателей
Фонд развития информационной политики
Фонд Российско-Американского делового сотрудничества
Центр Бизнес-Этики и Корпоративного Управления
Центр Гражданского Образования, СИВИТАС/Россия
Центр Инвест Банк
Центр Коммуникативных Программ Университета им. Джонса Хопкинса
Центр международных частных предприятий
Центр Поддержки некоммерческих организаций
Центр социальных и трудовых прав
Центр Фискальной Политики
Центр экономических и финансовых разработок (ЦЭФИР)






Теперь Национальный Фонд в поддержку Демократии (США). Список их грантов просто огромен, и учтите, что речь идёт только о деньгах, выплаченных за 2004 г.


Helsinki Association
To provide pro bono legal services at three offices and promote human rights legislation. Helsinki Association will develop draft legislation and meet with parliamentarians to press for its adoption. The Association will also monitor trial proceedings and make appeals to the European Court of Human Rights.

Republican Center for Democracy
To provide legal aid to vulnerable segments of the Armenian population. The Center will monitor human rights, publicize its activities and advocate for relevant legislation.



Association of Young Leaders of Azerbaijan (AYLA)
To encourage youth interest and involvement in journalism, human rights and NGOs through its school for young leaders. AYLA will conduct two five-month intensive courses and produce a monthly newspaper. AYLA will also work to integrate the students into the local NGO and media community.

AYNA Media Group
To produce a television program on issues pertaining to the development of democracy in Azerbaijan. The Media Group will produce 20 segments of a biweekly television talk show to be broadcasted on local television station. AYNA will also serve as a resource center for journalists and other media professionals in southern Azerbaijan.

To raise awareness of human rights abuses. Azadliq, Azerbaijan's oldest independent newspaper, will publish a regional supplement for circulation throughout the country to report on human rights violations and the abuse of power prior to the 2004 municipal elections.

Azerbaijan Foundation for the Development of Democracy (AFDD)
To promote participation in municipal elections, civic activism and equality before the law. The AFDD network will provide legal aid, inform the public about laws pertaining to municipal elections and NGO activity and publish a reference volume based on gathered data.

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To increase the participation of business associations in the democratic and economic reform process in Azerbaijan. The Coalition of Business Associations of Azerbaijan will build support for market-based democratic reforms among government officials, business associations and the public. The Coalition will organize monthly public discussions of business problems in the country, monitor the business situation and publish monthly bulletins.

Center "Toward Civil Society" (MCD)
To increase political awareness prior to the 2004 municipal elections. MCD will produce television shows, hold seminars, encourage citizens to run in the municipal elections, help candidates publicize their programs and develop recommendations for improving the laws governing municipalities.

FAR Center for Economic and Political Research
To monitor the state of religious freedom in Azerbaijan. The Center will provide a forum for dialogue on issues of religious tolerance and promote the concept of separation of the state and religion. The FAR Center will conduct sociological research, host seminars to discuss the issues that emerge from the focus groups and publicize the findings of its research.

Institute of Peace and Democracy (IPD)
To produce a book on municipalities and municipal elections in Azerbaijan and conduct a series of training seminars on the same topic. The IPD will write and publish Municipalities Elections, Role, and Significance. After publication of the book, a series of seminars will be conducted in and around the Absheron Peninsula.

Internews Azerbaijan Public Association
To launch an Internet-based media forum to address the problems of Azerbaijani media. The forum will defend the rights of journalists; promote professional standards; report on media issues and link journalists with international organizations. The site will be available in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English.

Legal Education Society
To provide legal support to the NGO community. The Society will publish a textbook and an information bulletin and conduct training for law students and NGO staff. The program will also provide pro bono legal counsel for NGOs.

Model Constitutional Court (MCC)
To promote a greater understanding of the judiciary. The MCC will hold eleven mock trials; publish articles on the trials and promote the development of similar programs. Every mock trial will be filmed to permit larger audiences to view it later, either through broadcast or by circulating videos.

Social Union of Sumgait Youth
To provide resources and support for local NGOs in the Sumgait region. The organization will conduct training for NGO leaders; provide office support for NGO staff; produce a television program about local NGOs and publish materials detailing legislation on the registration and management of NGOs.

Social Union "The World of New Youth"
To support the creation of an NGO resource center in Quba. The center will provide office services and training to local NGOs, produce television programming about local NGOs and publish a directory of local NGOs.

Umid (Hope) Women Development Center
To overcome religious and regional tensions by educating the rural population in remote regions of Azerbaijan about the compatibility of democratic values with Islam. Umid will hold a series of five daylong seminars for men and women to launch a sophisticated discussion about democracy, equality of the sexes, and Islamic belief and practice.



A) Election Processes
To educate citizens, turn out voters, support pro-democratic coalitions and monitor polling stations through nonpartisan programs prior to Belarus' October 2004 parliamentary elections.

B) Indepenent Media
To strengthen prodemocratic sources of objective information, including independent newspapers, NGO bulletins, an Internet magazine and a media monitoring organization that are breaking an information blockade imposed by the dictatorial regime in Belarus.

C) NGO Development
To develop and strengthen Belarus' third sector, especially regional NGOs and national umbrella organizations, through support for small grants, training, independent publications, legal aid, civic activities and daily operating expenses.

D) Youth
To promote youth activism in Belarus by means of support for civic campaigns, student organizations, democratic education and youth publications.

E) Human Rights
To support networks of activists who monitor and publicize human and civil rights violations, defend those who have been repressed by the regime and educate citizens about the country's human rights situation.



Association Atinati
To increase the capacity of the NGO community in the Samogrelo region of western Georgia. The program will include free consultations, training and technological resources for local NGOs, publication of an NGO newsletter and a website, in addition to radio broadcasts and monthly meetings between the NGO and government sectors.

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To assist the Partnership for Social Initiatives (PSI) in conducting an institutional audit. PSI will outline the key areas of the Georgian government in which reforms are needed and what process should be followed to fulfill these reforms. PSI will then create a Steering Committee made up of government officials and stakeholders, who will advocate for the adoption of the recommendations by the new Georgian government.

Cultural-Humanitarian Fund "Sukhumi"
To promote women's leadership in politics, with particular focus on women displaced by the war in Abkhazia. Fund Sukhumi will identify women leaders and provide intensive leadership training for twenty local women. The Fund will also produce six television and six radio shows focusing on women's leadership and the problems of internally displaced persons.

Georgia for NATO
To support civilian control over the armed forces. Georgia for NATO will draft legislation on civilian oversight of the military, which will be promoted among the public and the political elite through discussions with military leadership, the parliament, political parties and the media.

Human Rights Information and Documentation Center
To ensure that Georgia's democratic transition is consistent with legal and human rights norms. The Center will teach human rights as part of the curriculum of the Police Academy. The Center will also provide legal assistance, expand its library and resource center, produce television and radio public service announcements and publish a brochure on human rights.

Internews Georgia
To support its weekly cross-border news program, Crossroads, which has been broadcast in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia since 1997. The news segments and feature stories are filmed in all three countries, but the final assembly and editing takes place in Tbilisi.

Liberty Institute
To create a national network of youth activists. The Georgian youth movement Kmara will conduct indepth training to spread their organizational and advocacy techniques to new youth groups. Liberty Institute will also organize a summer training camp for youth leaders and will publish a manual and three brochures.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To support free and fair elections. NDI will assist the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy to continue monitoring elections while simultaneously adjusting its focus to encompass a broader range of activities aimed at promoting democratic processes.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To conduct an assessment of the weaknesses in the Georgian parliament. Based on the recommendations developed through the parliamentary assessment, NDI will provide consultations to strengthen the parliament's ability to function as an independent and equal branch of government.

Open Society – New Kutaisi
To promote public participation in the budget process in the Imerti region of Georgia. Open Society will publish information on the local budget; assist local leaders in forming public coalitions to collect comments from the public and discuss proposed amendments with local councils.

Partnership for Social Initiatives (PSI)
To conduct an assessment of the effects of government policy since January 2004 on the state of democracy in Georgia. PSI will analyze the two main domestic initiatives of the new government, the constitutional amendments and the anti-corruption campaign. PSI will also organize six debates involving government, NGO and press representatives.

United Nations Association of Georgia
To develop a new generation of civil society activists. The Association will form debate and discussion clubs for Georgian youth as a way of teaching them analytical and presentation skills. Each club will conduct twelve meetings and six model international negotiations and will provide access to libraries and Internet resources.



Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists of Kazakhstan (ASIP)
To conduct a nationwide exit poll of the parliamentary elections. ASIP will count and interview voters as they leave polling stations. NED will sponsor transportation costs for 425 volunteer supervisors, each responsible for two electoral districts and eight interviewers. The results of the exit poll will be entered into a database and publicized at press conferences after the elections.

Ecological Society "Green Salvation"
To increase the Kazakhstan environmental movement's ability to defend itself. The Society will publicize accurate information about environmental hazards; promote environmental activism; provide legal counsel; help individuals take their cases to court; offer expert opinion on pending legislation; carry out monitoring and produce publications and films on the environment.

Independent Information Agency and Discussion Club "Polyton"
To continue its weekly discussion club for activists and members of the media. The Club provides an opportunity for concerned citizens to exchange ideas and produce alternative sources of information and opinion. The Club will publish reports on the information and analyses generated from its discussions, using its website and email.

International Foundation for Humanitarian Assistance "Nur"
To shed light on the subject of genocidal deportations during the Stalinist era. Nur will promote the full rehabilitation of the "punished peoples," collect testimonials from survivors, survey the Chechen population to assess their concerns and train other nationalities to conduct similar programs.

Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law (KIBHR)
To provide free legal consultations in Almaty and Chimkent and to train young lawyers and law students. In addition to advising and representing clients, the attorneys will observe trials, advise callers about human rights and report on these activities via the media. The Bureau will also provide free access to a database of Kazakhstan's legislation.

Republican Network of Independent Monitors (RNIM)
To increase governmental transparency through public oversight of the parliament. RNIM will monitor the deputies of the lower house of parliament and disseminate information regarding their performance, in order to provide a public record for the 2004 elections.

"Street Law" Kazakhstan
To support a civic education program in Kazakh-language middle schools. Street Law will train teachers and school administrators in four regions to teach civics courses using new materials and will organize an Olympiad for students.



American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To support trade unions in Kyrgyzstan. ACILS will implement a trade union education program to introduce concepts of democratic trade unionism to leaders from the Kyrgyzstan Trade Union Federation at the national, branch, regional and local levels. ACILS will also implement a legal assistance program for local unions and members.

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To strengthen the voice of the private sector in the electoral process. CIPE will work with the Turan Jyldyzy business association to create a coalition of like-minded NGOs that will develop a regional business agenda in preparation for the upcoming elections. This project will focus on the Osh region of southern Kyrgyzstan and will inform and empower the business community to play a responsible role.

Independent Human Rights Group (IHRG)
To provide quality legal representation to persons whose human rights or electoral rights have been violated. The IHRG will maintain a legal aid center in Bishkek to provide legal consultations and teach lawyers in Kyrgyzstan how to make use of international law. IHRG will also compile a comprehensive report about violations of human rights.

Internews Kyrgyz Republic
To improve the legal environment for journalists and the media in Kyrgyzstan. Internews will provide legal advice to journalists, monitor violations of journalists' rights and produce two practical guides and a manual on media law.

Jalal-Abad Regional Human Rights Organization Spravedlivost
To maintain a network of human rights NGOs in Jalal-Abad. Spravedlivost will serve as a resource center and coordinate the activities of groups within the region. In addition, Spravedlivost will produce a monthly television program and publish a bimonthly bulletin on human rights issues.

Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights (KCHR)
To maintain the KCHR's regional network in order to provide legal and human rights assistance. KCHR will report on human and electoral rights issues; lobby the government to comply with international human rights standards and issue daily bulletins in English containing news and analysis of the human rights situation.

MSN Company, Ltd.
To cover partial costs of printing and paper in the period prior to the 2005 parliamentary elections. MSN will provide news and analysis by publishing four 16-page editions in Russian each week. MSN will also use Endowment funding to expand its circulation.

Public Association "Shoola-Kol"
To support a network of grassroots human rights and political activists in the Tonsk region. Shoola-Kol will provide pro bono legal services, hold seminars for the local population, distribute literature about the election and provide voter registration materials. Shoola-Kol will also organize seminars on electoral law for members of the district electoral commission.



Agency for Social Information (ASI)
To collect and distribute information on the activities of the Russian NGO sector. ASI will maintain its network of correspondents and affiliate offices in 27 regions of Russia, which will provide the Moscow office with regular reports on NGO activities in their region for distribution through ASI's newswire service.

Andrei Sakharov Archive and Human Rights Center of Brandeis University
To contribute to understanding the Soviet past. The archive will make Andrei Sakharov's KGB file available via the Internet and will create a searchable database of supporting documents. The creation of the archive will accompany the publication of the book, KGB File on Andrei Sakharov.

Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public Center
To make its facilities available to Moscow-based NGOs to hold joint meetings and other large public events. The Museum will also make its Internet salon available to the public for free on weekends.

Center for Civic Education and Human Rights
To offer human rights education training to teachers in Perm oblast. The Center will conduct training courses, publish teacher training guides and textbooks and work with local educational authorities to expand the teaching of human rights.

Center for Public Information
To conduct a program to help human rights organizations work more effectively with the press. The Center will collect information from human rights organizations throughout Russia and organize press conferences and media roundtables on behalf of NGOs. The Center will also monitor the media coverage of human rights issues and publish a monthly journal on human rights.

Center for Russian Environmental Policy
To conduct a program to strengthen ties between ecological, human rights and prodemocracy organizations. In addition to holding a three day conference to build ties among NGOs, the Center will open two regional centers for public environmental policy and provide data and analysis for policy makers.

Center for Social Projecting "Vozrozhdenie"
To monitor the implementation of the new law on local government. The Center will provide recommendations for making the political system democratic and effective and disseminate information on the changes taking place through roundtables and seminars.

Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights
To monitor the activity of the State Duma. The Center will produce a monthly bulletin containing assessments of draft laws as they pertain to human rights and the NGO sector, recommendations for an effective civic response to draft laws and information on special topics and legislators' voting.

Center for the Support of Land Reform in Vladimir Oblast
To distribute information on land reform and to offer legal assistance to rural residents of Vladimir oblast and four neighboring oblasts. Center staff will carry out at least 36 public meetings for rural residents of these oblasts and continue to offer free legal aid from its office.

Center for Trade Union Education
To support a program of legal aid, training and publication. The Center will support legal consultation offices through partner organizations in five cities and conduct training programs for trade union activists in each city.

Chelyabinsk Oblast Public Fund "Helping Hand"
To increase respect for human rights in the Russian prison system. Helping Hand will organize seminars on human rights for prison officials and teachers and will support the development of nongovernmental organizations in Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk oblasts.

Environmental and Human Rights Center "Bellona"
To publish the bimonthly journal, Ecology and Human Rights. The journal provides in-depth analysis of environmental issues with a focus on their impact on the local population and government policy.

Glasnost Defense Foundation (GDF)
To publish seven books on the freedom of the press. These publications will be used in training seminars provided by GDF and other organizations and will be distributed for free to libraries, university journalism departments, legal professionals, government agencies and human rights organizations.

Globus Media News Agency
To provide impartial news coverage during the presidential election. The news agency will distribute syndicated articles to eighty regional newspapers; monitor media coverage of the campaign and organize a seminar for newspaper editors.

Golos NGO Coalition
To monitor and record the activities of deputies in four regions of Russia. Golos staff will record voting, attendance and sponsorship of legislation and will distribute the information to local media. Golos will also organize public events to push for the introduction of nominal voting.

Human Rights Publishers
To publish and distribute the journal, Human Rights Defender. The journal publishes articles on the human rights situation in Russia, along with news and important human rights documents from abroad.

Humanist Center
To support teachers' initiatives to keep Russian schools secular and independent. The Center will conduct monitoring of nationalist and religious themes in school curricula, carry out a training program for teachers and conduct roundtables to bring together legislators, teachers and representatives of the Ministry of Education.

Independent Council of Legal Expertise
To improve the conformity of Russian legislation with constitutional and international norms. The Council will monitor national and regional legislative developments and will provide commentary on pending legislation at the request of human rights organizations. In addition, the Council will provide free legal advice to human rights organizations with particularly difficult problems.

Independent Press Center Foundation
To assist the NGO community with public relations. The Foundation will organize an estimated seven or eight press conferences a week for Russian NGOs and will assist in publicizing other events for the NGO community.

Information Agency "Memo.ru"
To train human rights activists how to use public opinion polling data effectively. Using survey data supplied by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC, Memo.ru will train twenty young NGO leaders in using data to shape messages for public information campaigns. These young leaders will then carry out informational campaigns in their regions.

Information and Analytical Center "Sova"
To monitor political discourse in Russia for the influence of radical nationalism. Sova will organize a series of roundtables and seminars to develop concrete strategies for opposing radical nationalism and draft laws to oppose nationalist excesses. Sova will produce daily, monthly and quarterly electronic reports on its monitoring and will produce a final report on the project.

Information Research Center "Panorama"
To conduct a program in support of newly emerging democratic groups, movements, and initiatives. Panorama will conduct extensive research into these new initiatives and will organize a series of roundtables for democracy activists. At the end of the program, Panorama will publish a concluding report in an edition of 2000 copies.

Institute for Humanities and Political Studies
To familiarize young people with the legacy of Soviet authoritarianism and with the literature that was circulated as samizdat. The Institute will publish a four-volume anthology of samizdat literature that includes literature, poetry, scientific articles and memoirs, which will be available in hard copy and via the Internet.

International Protection Center
To offer free legal representation to individuals taking human rights cases before international bodies. When all possibilities in the Russian legal system have been exhausted, the Center will assist individuals in pursing their cases in the European Court of Human Rights or with the United Nations' Committee on Human Rights.

International Republican Institute (IRI)
To assist in the integration of the League of Women Voters and the Women's Leadership and Partnership Network in the political democratization process. IRI will identify newly-elected women deputies who are interested in addressing gender issues and hold a series of roundtable discussions and a conference. In addition, IRI will establish a Center for Political Debates to increase youth participation in politics.

International Republican Institute (IRI)
To identify promising young leaders and encourage them to run for public office at the local level. IRI will work with 20-30 activists who will undergo training in campaign techniques, constituent relations and the legal and organizational basics of local self-government in Russia. Following the election, IRI will continue to work with successful candidates on constituent outreach, access to information and other day-to-day issues in the work of a deputy.

Interregional Foundation for Civil Society
To support a small grants program for regional human rights organizations. The Foundation will make approximately 25 grants of between $1,000 and $3,000. These grants will offer grantees the opportunity to improve professionalism, gain project-development and management skills and learn how to apply for and manage external funds.

League of Women Voters of St. Petersburg
To support its St. Petersburg headquarters and six of its regional affiliates in northwest Russia. Endowment funding will be used to support public reception offices in seven cities in northwest Russia. The public reception offices offer legal aid, serve as resource centers for regional NGOs and provide a forum for political discussions.

Moscow Helsinki Group
To conduct a program of research and information exchange on the problem of police misconduct. MHG will examine misconduct in five regions and use the information as the basis for an analytical report that will make recommendations on ways to counter police misconduct.

Moscow Regional Fund "Social Partnership"
To promote the passage of the draft law on the public monitoring of prison conditions and to train NGO leaders and prison officials to facilitate public monitoring of prisons. The Fund will organize a series of training seminars and will work with deputies in the State Duma and prison officials to develop recommendations for the law and to secure its passage.

Murmansk Association of Women Journalists
To undertake a program of public service journalism in three regions of northwest Russia. Journalists from eight newspapers will receive training on covering local and regional government. Each newspaper will then conduct a public information campaign on local government in its region.

Ozersk City Social and Ecological Public Organization "Planeta Nadezhd" (Planet of Hopes)
To conduct a program of research, training and publication on human rights in closed cities. Planeta Nadezhd will conduct training on human rights for NGO leaders and officials from closed cities throughout the Urals; monitor rights violations and provide legal aid in the city of Ozersk and continue to publish its newspaper to inform inhabitants of Ozersk about their rights.

Perm-36 Memorial Museum of the History of Political Repression and Totalitarianism
To develop an elective high school course on Stalinist political repression for civic education and history teachers. The Museum will use its own collections and regional archives to create a set of teaching materials about Stalinism and the history of the gulag that will build on last year's work developing a course on "Resistance to Repression in Soviet Society, 1945-1991."

Russian Association for Civic Education
To hold the Russian Civic Education Olympiad for the 2004 school year. Students will test their knowledge and understanding of democracy through a series of written essays. Organizers will also analyze the state of civic education through the evaluation of different textbooks and teaching methods used in the classroom.

Ryazan Regional Branch of the Memorial Society
To combat authoritarian trends with the publication of the journal, Karta. The publication offers a unique combination of articles on recent Russian history, comparative politics and human rights issues.

Saratov Legal Reform Project
To operate a free legal clinic staffed by professional lawyers and student interns from Saratov-region law schools. Student interns will participate in legal work relating to human rights violations and will undergo training in the practical aspects of legal work. In addition, SLRP will continue to promote clinical legal education throughout Russia.

St. Petersburg Humanity and Political Studies Center "Strategy"
To conduct a program to examine and combat corruption in four regions of Russia. The Center will conduct research on corruption; organize training seminars on combating corruption and coordinate a network of NGOs working against corruption.

St. Petersburg Institute of Law
To promote respect for the law and human rights among Russian youth. The Institute will publish the third volume of its Living Law series of text books and will continue to promote the use of the curriculum in primary and secondary schools throughout Russia.

Tochka Opory (Fulcrum Foundation)
To conduct a small-grants program for regional Russian youth NGOs. Tochka Opory will give between 10 and 15 small grants to regional organizations for projects that build tolerance and pluralism, personal involvement in public affairs, reflection on current events and trends and awareness of society.

Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers
To provide legal assistance to soldiers who have been forced to work in the private sector without compensation. Soldiers' Mothers will maintain ten regional reception offices for servicemen and their relatives. The committee will also develop concrete recommendations on dealing with forced labor, while bringing charges in particularly egregious cases.

Union of Journalists of Russia – Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations
To maintain its network of correspondents throughout Russia. The Center will report on attempts to pressure or intimidate journalists and will conduct investigations into murders, kidnappings, and other extreme forms of violence against journalists. The Center will continue to distribute its two weekly electronic bulletins, Dangerous Profession and The Authorities vs. The Press.

Voronzeh United Democratic Center (VUDC)
To publish twelve issues of the newspaper, We Are Citizens. We Are Citizens publishes information about the activities of local and regional government in Voronezh oblast, and will be used to distribute information about VUDC's other activities. VUDC will also conduct four roundtables on budgetary transparency and implementation of housing and utilities reform.

Yaroslavl Center for Social Partnership
To conduct a program to improve communication between legislators and the public in Yaroslavl oblast. The Center will inform residents of ways to contact their representative or find out about their activities and voting record. The Center will also encourage and assist legislators in opening public reception offices.

Youth Human Rights Movement
To strengthen existing networks of youth human rights organizations and promote the development of a core group of young human rights activists. The organization will conduct public campaigns on human rights issues relating to youth, produce email newsletters and printed publications and conduct training programs.

Za Prava Cheloveka (ZPC)
To provide support for its regional human rights network. ZPC's network will continue to operate legal clinics where citizens can come for free legal advice and, occasionally, more extensive assistance with their cases. ZPC's national staff will assist the organizations in its network and will handle particularly difficult or high profile cases directly.


Russia (Chechnya)

Chechen Committee for National Salvation
To conduct a program of legal aid and direct action to protect refugees remaining in Ingushetia as well as those who return to Chechnya. The Committee's reception offices will help refugees with housing and registration and will attempt to offer assistance in instances of arrests and forced disappearances.

Fund for Rehabilitation and Development
To promote traditional Chechen forms of conflict resolution and respect for the law as an alternative to violence in the Chechen society. The Fund will conduct a series of seminars and discussion groups at Chechnya's leading universities, produce a television program on peacemaking and Chechen society and publish a bulletin.

LAM Center for Complex Research and Popularization of Chechen Culture
To promote democratic ideals and practices throughout the Chechen Republic and Chechen diaspora. LAM will conduct a series of roundtables for Chechen NGOs and political figures, publish its bulletin, provide support for Chechen NGOs, conduct research on public opinion in Chechnya and produce a television series on Chechen ethics, culture and political philosophy.

LATTA Center
To promote a dialog among Chechens about how best to build a democratic future for the region. LATTA will organize a conference and a series of roundtables on conflict resolution and a series of seminars for students in universities in Grozny. LATTA will also continue its research activities and will publish its quarterly bulletin.

Nizhny Novgorod Committee Against Torture
To draw attention to the problem of torture and to protect individual victims of torture in Chechnya. The Committee will maintain two public reception offices that will offer legal aid to torture victims and pursue cases through international legal mechanisms like the United Nations Committee Against Torture and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Society for Russian-Chechen Friendship
To provide an independent source of information about events in Chechnya. The Society will support a network of correspondents throughout the Chechen Republic. Information from these correspondents will be used to produce reports which will be widely distributed to the Russian and Western media.


Independent School of Journalists "Tajikistan – XXI Century"
To expand educational programs for radio professionals. The School will continue to train staff members from the four independent radio stations recently granted operating licenses by the government. In addition, the School will conduct on-site needs assessments for three independent radio stations outside Dushanbe and will serve as a resource center for journalists.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To improve the preparations of political parties for the February 2005 parliamentary elections and to strengthen the capacity of NGOs. NDI will provide advice and training to strengthen individual parties and encourage cooperation, offer guidance to civic groups on organizational development and support political discussion programs on independent television and radio stations.

NGO Modar
To stimulate the involvement of women in politics. NGO Modar will conduct seminars for women in isolated areas, which will include visits by parliamentary deputies and party activists. A final roundtable will bring together women leaders to identify and promote women candidates for the parliamentary elections.

Republican Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law
To monitor human rights and provide legal aid in Tajikistan. The Bureau will provide pro bono legal aid to the most vulnerable segments of society in Khujand and Dushanbe, and will collect detailed data on human rights abuses and problems with the work of the justice system.

To inform the public about the political process. The television station will broadcast a live call-in talk show featuring panel discussions with government, opposition, and civil society leaders. The show will reach an audience of up to a million viewers and provide an alternative to government-controlled television.

Sughd Independent Newspaper
To publish a weekly newspaper in the Tajik language with a print run of 5,000 copies. Sughdiyon will provide information about NGOs and political parties; the process of registering to vote and the need for free and fair elections.

TV Regar
To provide support to independent media outlets. TV Regar will train local journalists, provide professional programming to Tajik and Uzbek viewers and attempt to overcome national and ethnic animosities by promoting the values of accountable governance and democratic participation.

Youth Ecological Center
To encourage the formation of youth discussion clubs in five of the poorest and most isolated regions of Tajikistan. The Center will train regional youth leaders to manage and lead their groups effectively and to approach authorities in a skillful manner. This network of discussion clubs will form the foundation for Tajikistan's first independent political youth group.



A) Rule of Law
To promote the concept of the rule of law and respect for human rights by analyzing legislation, providing pro bono legal assistance to particularly vulnerable persons and creating a comprehensive legislative database. The programs assist clients by drafting complaints, filing applications or claims with government agencies and representing clients in court or before administrative bodies. The programs also bring the inadequacies in Turkmenistan's legislation to the attention of government officials and international organizations.

B) Center for International Private Enterprise
To create legislative incentives for entrepreneurs to enter the formal economy and to improve legislation governing taxation. CIPE works with a local partner to survey the effect of the black market on small and medium-sized businesses and present its findings to the parliament.

C) NGO Development
To provide training, information and office support for NGOs throughout Turkmenistan. Local NGO resource centers will bolster activists, disseminate information and provide various trainings. Each center will be open daily for use by the local NGO community and host a monthly meeting for regular visitors. NED funded programs will provide office skills training and use of computers and internet for NGO members.

D) Civic Education
To undertake a civic education program geared at training secondary school educators in interactive teaching methods to encourage critical thinking. The program conducts training sessions, publishes teaching guides and a monthly bulletin for participants, and maintains a database of instructions and sample materials for teachers' use.


Agency for Legislative Initiatives
To monitor the work of the Ukrainian parliament and to publicize this information through a monthly journal and web-site. The Agency will publish eight issues of The Parliament Journal, which features both general articles on parliamentary activity and analysis of and recommendations on specific legislation.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To strengthen the organizational capacity, collective bargaining skills and leadership abilities of unions. The Solidarity Center will conduct a series of education programs, seminars and workshops for unions of teachers, railroad workers, journalists, oil and gas workers, municipal workers and employees of the Academy of Sciences. In addition, the Solidarity Center will organize five seminars on the restructuring of the coal industry and four education programs for women trade union leaders.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To ensure the Confederation of Free Trade Unions' ability to function in the face of heightened pressure during the period of the presidential elections. The Solidarity Center will provide funds to the Confederation to cover the costs of a small office and staff salaries, enabling the Confederation to continue working to increase awareness of core labor standards and to expose the flaws of Ukrainian labor legislation.

Association Spilnyi Prostir (SP)
To support a program of information distribution and media monitoring during the fall 2004 presidential campaign. SP will also prepare daily news items on Ukrainian politics, economics and society for use in the regional media and will carry out a series of roundtables for journalists on the role of the press and press monitoring in elections.

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To facilitate the implementation of the law "On the Principles of State Regulatory Policy in the Sphere of Business Activities." CIPE will conduct an assessment of the capabilities of regional business associations and will provide training and assistance in making use of the new law, which requires the executive and legislative branches of the government, regulatory agencies and local administrations and governments to publish draft bills within one month before their passage.

Center for Research on Social Perspectives in the Donbass
To monitor and analyze the election in the Donbass. The Center will publish its Internet newspaper, Ostriv, to provide ongoing coverage of events in Donetsk oblast leading up to the 2004 presidential election campaign. The Center will also conduct preliminary surveys of voters and exit polls.

Center of Information and Documentation of Crimean Tatars
To provide accurate information and analysis of important events to Ukraine's Tatar minority. The Center will publish an analytical journal; monitor the Ukrainian press' coverage of Crimean Tatar issues and the coordinate an analytical group that will help develop policy recommendations for official and non-official institutions.

Cherkassy Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CCVU)
To conduct a get-out-the-vote campaign directed at students in Cherkassy oblast in central Ukraine. CCVU will organize a series of seminars and training sessions for students on the importance of voting. CCVU will also organize "rehearsal" elections for students to raise awareness and will distribute a leaflet explaining voting procedures and how students can defend their rights.

Committee of Voters of Ukraine
To monitor conditions in Ukraine's polling places. The CVU will train 1,000 observers to monitor the activities of election commissions prior the presidential election. Observers will monitor the setup of the polling places and the composition of voter lists and will distribute literature on voters' rights. On election day, observers will monitor half of Ukraine's 32,000 polling places.

Democratic Initiatives Foundation
To increase public debate about important issues during the October 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections. The Foundation will conduct a "rolling poll" that will work against vote fraud. The Foundation will survey a total of 8,000 voters during the 60 days prior to the elections in order to establish a clear record of the public's intent. Ongoing results of these polls will be publicized through frequent press conferences and press releases, discussed at roundtables and public meetings, and distributed by email and the Internet.

Democratic Initiatives Foundation
To bring public opinion to the attention of Ukraine's leaders. The Foundation will carry out twelve polls of approximately 100 to 120 experts on issues such as Euro-Atlantic integration, development of a functioning market economy, and media freedom. These polls will be followed by roundtables of experts whose recommendations will be widely disseminated through the Foundation's bulletin and media contacts.

Dniprovsky Center for Social Research
To conduct a series of activities designed to identify important issues for voters during the 2004 presidential election campaign. The Center will carry out research on mass and elite opinion in Dnipropetrovsk, which will be published and distributed to the media and used for coordinating the activity of NGOs during the election campaign.

Donetsk Human Rights School
To conduct conferences, teacher training and curriculum development for secondary school teachers. The Donetsk Human Rights School will carry out a three-day training program for civic education teachers; a six-day summer school on civic education methods and postgraduate teacher training institutes and publish two books Democracy and the Constitution and Alphabet of Human Rights.

Europe XXI Foundation
To conduct a program of monitoring and support for NGOs, as well as to publish a newspaper. Europe XXI will carry out monitoring of NGOs' participation in policy making and in the electoral process in six regions of Ukraine, the results of which will provide material for a monthly newspaper. In addition, Europe XXI will hold conferences at the beginning and end of the year.

Europe XXI Foundation
To increase the transparency of the Ukrainian election process. Europe XXI will monitor campaign activities, political advertising and party financing. The results of the monitoring program will be distributed to the media and discussed at a final roundtable.

Foundation for Regional Initiatives
To organize a program of legal aid for voters. FRI will establish a toll-free hotline for voters to report campaign violations and instances of pressure on voters. In addition, FRI will prepare a total of 24 special inserts for its weekly newspaper, Public Advocate, with information on candidates' electoral programs and answers to typical questions posed by callers to the legal aid hotline.

Freedom House Ukraine
To advocate for human rights in Ukraine and strengthen the NGO sector. Freedom House Ukraine will organize a series of roundtables to draw attention to human rights issues and conduct a series of training sessions for Ukrainian human rights organizations.

Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation
To build support for greater integration of Ukraine into Western political and economic structures. The Institute will organize four roundtable meetings on "Ukraine in the Euro-Atlantic Space Experience and Perspectives" and two training sessions for NGO leaders on management and public relations techniques and the workings of Western institutions such as NATO and the EU.

Institute for Mass Information
To investigate cases in which journalists have been subjected to pressure because of their professional activities. Emergency groups will travel to regions and gather information about the cases in which journalists have been harassed, make recommendations and offer help and advice to the journalists. At the end of the project, IMI will publish a report, Freedom of Speech in the Year of Elections.

International Republican Institute (IRI)
To conduct a short-term observation mission of the Ukrainian elections. IRI will deploy a team of 22 delegates and staff members to Kyiv and eight different regions of Ukraine. On election day, each team of two will visit between 15 and 20 polling stations and will prepare a written report as part of the post-election statement, to be presented in Kyiv.

Kharkiv Center for Women's Studies (KCWS)
To continue its leadership training programs for young women from Ukraine. KCWS will train two groups of active young women in leadership, human rights, gender issues and policy development. KCWS will also organize its Girls' World essay contest and build contacts among alumna of both programs.

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group
To improve the human rights climate in Ukraine by drawing attention to human rights violations. KHPG will monitor violations and pending legislation and will train other NGOs to recognize and address violations. KHPG will also continue to publish several periodicals and a series of books on human rights issues.

Lion Society
To strengthen civil society in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine. The Lion Society will conduct a series of seminars for NGO leaders and civic activists that will focus on the idea of civil society, NGO management and teamwork and forming partnerships with local government.

Luhansk Regional Organization "Public Education and Legal Assistance"
To conduct a program of legal aid and civic education in the region of Luhansk. PELA will offer legal assistance through eight public reception offices; publish a series of leaflets and brochures on the legal defense of one's rights and produce 23 of its Legal Aid broadcasts for local radio. In particular the program will focus on voting rights.

Maidan Grassroots Information Resource Center
To recruit and train volunteer reporters to carry out grassroots journalism. The reporters, who will come from throughout Ukraine, will then return to their regions, where they will report on civil society events and on opportunities for ordinary citizens to participate in their regions' civic life, particularly in connection with the 2004 presidential and 2006 parliamentary elections.

Open Society Foundation
To provide Ukrainian voters with information about the activities of their elected representatives in the Verkhovna Rada. The Foundation will produce a quarterly report on the activities of deputies, political parties and factions which will detail voting records, attendance and legislative activity.

Regional Information Center for Women (RICW)
To expand its network of resource centers. RICW will add three new centers in Kirovohrad oblast and continue its program of training and publication to support local NGO networks. RICW will also organize a total of 25 training events and will publish a series of brochures on democracy, human rights and accountable government.

School for Policy Analysis of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (SPA)
To help Ukrainian voters make informed choices by analyzing and distributing information about candidates' programs and campaign strategies. SPA will convene an analytical group that will produce reports and articles on candidates' platforms and strategies that will be distributed to other organizations and will serve as the basis for a national radio program.

Smoloskyp, Inc.
To develop the leadership skills of Ukraine's next generation. Smoloskyp will organize a series of democracy workshops and seminars for young leaders focusing on globalization, democratization and national identity. Smoloskyp will also continue a series of publications on democracy and Ukrainian politics.

To analyze the Ukrainian media and to provide a forum for widespread public discussion of media issues. Telekritika will maintain its website and will monitor the main television networks' coverage of the 2004 presidential election. Telekritika will also produce a weekly radio program; provide content to Ukrainian and foreign newspapers and publish its own journal.

Ukrainian-American Bureau for the Protection of Human Rights
To analyze the interaction of civil society and government. The Bureau will interview high-level officials in-depth and carryout a survey of lower-level officials in order to publish concrete recommendations for future action. The Bureau will also translate American legal textbooks into Ukrainian for distribution to law schools and libraries.

Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies (Razumkov Center)
To publish its analytical journal, National Security and Defense. The Center's journal provides indepth analysis of major political and policy issues and will focus on importance to the presidential elections. The Center will also organize a series of roundtables on the issues covered by the journal.

Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research
To promote civil society and fair elections. The Center will investigate government responsiveness to requests for information, organize a national conference on NGOs' role in the elections process, analyze and make recommendations regarding pending legislation and assist other NGOs and the media on issues of public policy.

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
To encourage dialogue between presidential candidates and the electorate. The Committee will hold 12 town hall meetings to bring the major presidential candidates to cities in central and eastern Ukraine. Voters will be able to submit written questions to the candidates who will have a chance to present their positions, to pose questions to others and to ask questions of the audience.

Ukrainian Youth Association of Ukraine
To help young Ukrainians play a more active role in their country's politics. The Association will conduct two series of seminars that will teach the basic principles of election law and techniques for monitoring elections. After the elections, the same participants will undergo training in NGO management, in order to promote ongoing participation in Ukraine's political process.

Ukrainska Pravda (UP)
To provide independent unbiased coverage of Ukrainian politics. Ukraine's most prominent Internet newspaper will provide extensive coverage of the presidential election and other political issues in Kyiv and the region.

Young Rukh
$49, 370
To conduct a nationwide campaign to mobilize and educate young voters during the 2004 presidential election campaign. Young Rukh will train teams of observers from universities throughout Ukraine and encourage university rectors to pledge not to interfere with students' voting.

Youth Alternative
To continue its internship program, "Students for Parliament." Youth Alternative will arrange for 55 students to intern in the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's parliament. A further 35 students will intern with local legislatures in seven cities. During their internships, Youth Alternative will organize training sessions and seminars to develop the leadership skills of its interns.

Youth Alternative
To conduct an extensive get-out-the-vote campaign targeting Ukrainian youth in 15 cities. Youth Alternative will prepare brochures on youth participation, preventing electoral fraud and the platforms of major candidates. A network of volunteers will distribute these brochures outside the entrances to universities while speaking with students about the importance of participating in the election.



A) Political Process
To assist citizens in ten regions in forming voters' initiative groups and following the complicated procedures required to nominate candidates. The program will teach citizens about the provisions of the electoral law and encourage them to become politically active in their districts.

B) Freedom of Information
To provide independent sources of news and information. NED funded programs will publish an independent journal and three electronic newsletters. These publications publicize instances of human rights abuses and censorship. The programs support a network of regional correspondents who provide regular reporting from all parts of the country with a particular focus on NGO activity, civil society and human rights.

C) Human Rights
To bolster the organizational capacity of Uzbekistan's human rights defenders. A small grants program will bolster the organizational capacity of new indigenous NGOs and enable them to conduct a wide range of human rights documentation and advocacy programs. NED sponsored programs will monitor trials, transcribe court proceedings, provide legal advice to victims of human rights violations, and represent victims before various courts, tribunals and other institutions. NED grantees support advocate measures for penal and judicial reform in Uzbekistan. They assist death row inmates in obtaining due process, provide legal assistance to the families of death row inmates so that they may undertake proper procedures to stay the execution and distribute information regarding capital cases among NGOs and international institutions.

D) Public Opinion Polling
To conduct its second annual study of the attitudes prevailing among the youth. The program works with universities to conduct polling among the youth on issues including the parliamentary elections, social problems such as corruption and youth perceptions of their role in society. The results are published as a booklet and on the Internet.

Central Asia / Caucasus Regional
Fund for Legal and Economic Reform in Kyrgyzstan
To maintain a human rights network and train human rights activists in the Fergana Valley region of Central Asia. The project will include a series of training seminars for human rights activists, a regional monthly news publication, consultation and technical assistance to human rights NGOs and a website and database for human rights information and organizations.

Tsentral'naia Aziya i Kavkaz (Central Asia and the Caucasus Journal)
To publish a journal of analysis and commentary on Central Asia and the Caucasus on a bimonthly basis. Funding will be used to print 1,700 Russian-language copies of each edition, maintain the journal's website and gather research materials on the area.







Организации-члены партнерской сети Международной программы стипендий Фонда Форда:

Российская государственная библиотека (г.Москва)
Саратовская Государственная Академия Права (г. Саратов)
Ассоциация кинообразования и медиапедагогики России (г. Таганрог)
Алтайская краевая общественная организация "Проект Развития" (г. Барнаул)
ООО "Научные проекты и интернет технологии"(г. Москва)
Юридический факультет Марийского государственного университета (г. Йошкар-Ола)
Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет (г. Тюмень)
Мурманская ассоциация журналисток (г. Мурманск)
Читинский государственный университет (г. Чита)
Ассоциация выпускников американских обменных программ Саратовской области "АМЕРОС" (г. Саратов)
"Пропповский Центр: гуманитарные исследования в области традиционной культуры" (г. С.Петербург)
Газета студентов экономического факультета Воронежского Государственного аграрного университета им. К.Д. Глинки (г. Воронеж)
Санкт-Петербургский благотворительный общественный фонд "Общество бурятской культуры "Ая-Ганга" (г. Санкт-Петербург)
Русско-Американский центр обучения и межкультурной коммуникации "ИНТЕРЛИНГВА" (г. Киров)
НОУ "Школа иностранных языков "Уникум" (г.Пенза)
Международная Ассоциация студентов, изучающих экономику и управление, AIESEC (г.Саратов)
Саратовская региональная общественная организация "Культурный обмен" (г. Саратов)
Рыбинская торгово-промышленная палата (г.Рыбинск)
Региональный Центр международного академического и делового сотрудничества Воронежского государственного университета (г. Воронеж)
Восточно-Сибирская государственная академия культуры и искусств (г. Улан-Удэ)
Общественный фонд "НИЗАМ" (г. Грозный)
Мордовский государственный университет им. Огарева (г. Саранск)
Санкт-Петербургская общественная организация помощи лицам без определенного места жительства "Ночлежка" (г. Санкт-Петербург)
OOO "УралМедИнфо" (г. Челябинск)
Межвузовский Центр международного сотрудничества и академической мобильности при Омском государственном педагогическом университете (г. Омск)
Евразийский открытый университет (г. Москва)
Ассоциация менеджеров культуры (г. Москва)
Российский государственный профессионально- педагогический университет, Региональный центр международного сотрудничества (г.Екатеринбург)
Некоммерческое партнерство "Центр делового развития" (г. Санкт-Петербург)
Некоммерческое образовательное учреждение "Менеджмент, маркетинг и финансы" (г.Хабаровск)
Муниципальное учреждение "Дом Европы" (г.Иркутск)
Государственный университет-Высшая школа экономики (г.Москва)
Казанская архитектурно-строительная академия (г.Казань)
Институт леса им. В.Н.Сукачева СО РАН (г.Красноярск)
МОО "Центр иностранных инвестиций" (г.Ярославль)
Челябинская государственная Академия культуры и искусств (г.Челябинск)
Морской государственный университет имени адмирала Г.И. Невельского (г.Владивосток)
Мурманский государственный технический университет (г.Мурманск)
Ассоциация Студентов-Физиков СПбГУ (г.Санкт-Петербург)
Общественная организация "Молодежная инициатива" (г.Тамбов)
МОУ "Научно-методический центр" (г.Кемерово)
Консалтинговая компания "Graduate" (г.Москва)
Марийский государственный университет (г.Йошкар-Ола)
Институт управления и инноваций авиационной промышленности (г.Ростов-на-Дону)
МЦДО "Поиск" (с.Сергиевск, Самарской области)
"Международный образовательный центр" (г.Комсомольск-на-Амуре)
Агентство общественных инициатив (г.Красноярск)
Общественная молодежная организация "Межвузовское студенческое содружество" (г.Орел)
"Центр корпоративного обучения" (г.Улан-Уде)
Самарский филиал Университета Российского образования (г.Самара)
"Александровский центр ремесел" (г.Александров, Владимирская область)
"Сибирский Медиа-институт" (г.Красноярск)
Ассоциация учителей английского языка "Пензенская ласточка" (г. Пенза)
Филиал СПб государственного инженерно-экономического факультета (г. Чебоксары)
Межнациональный информационный центр (г.Екатеринбург)
Научно-исследовательский центр социологии, экономики и права (г. Тольятти)
Автономная некоммерческая организация "Наш Кавказ" (г. Махачкала)
Дальневосточный центра "Лидерство завтра" (г.Владивосток)
Самарский государственный педагогический университет (г.Самара)
Вологодский государственный технический университет (г. Вологда)
Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет (г.Нижний Новгород)
Омский государственный промышленно-экономический колледж ( г.Омск)
Государственное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №604 (г.Зелиноград)
Международная Ассоциация студентов, изучающих экономику и управление, AIESEC (г.Самара)
"АРКО-Аудит" (г.Новосибирск)
Библиотечно-информационный центр МО "Выборгский район Ленинградской области" (г.Выборг)
Центр по защите прав человека Республики Дагестан (г.Махачкала)
ООО "Шестой канал" (г.Ульяновск)
Фонд развития некоммерческих организаций "Школа НКО" (г.Москва)
Нижегородский ресурсный центр "Детство без насилия и жестокости" (г. Нижний Новгород)
Центр развития деловых коммуникаций (г.Мурманск)
Центр украинистики и беларусистики МГУ им.Ломоносова (г.Москва)
Сургутский государственный университет (г.Сургут)
Женская общественная организация "Ярославна" (г.Костромукша, Карелия)
Воронежский Государственный Педагогический Университет (г.Воронеж)
Институт международного менеджмента Томского политехнического университета (г.Томск)
АНО "Ради будущего" (г.Смоленск)
"Центр Делового Развития" (г.Санкт-Петербург)
"Мост дружбы" (г.Арсеньев, Приморский край)
Общественная организация "Гуманитарный проект" (г.Новосибирск)
Астраханское областное государственное учреждение "Государственный архив Астраханской области" (г. Астрахань)
Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена (г.Санкт-Петербург)
Вятский государственный гуманитарный университет (г. Киров)
МОУ "Клюквинская средняя общеобразовательная школа (Верхнекетский район Томской области)
Институт дистанционного образования Ульяновского государственного технического университета (г.Ульяновск)
Межрегиональная общественная организация "Дальневосточная Экологическая комиссия" (г.Уссурийск)
Новосибирский молодежный центр (г.Новосибирск)
Филиал Московского государственного университета технологий и управления в городе Ростов-на-Дону (г.Ростов-на-Дону)
Уральский государственный экономический университет (г.Екатеринбург)
Центр молодежной политики Тверского государственного технического университета (г.Тверь)
Высшая школа народных искусств (институт) (г.Санкт-Петербург)
Лаборатория Культурной Визуальной Антропологии (г.Пермь)
Автономная некоммерческая организация "Молодежная ассоциация студентов Тольяти" (г.Тольяти)
Автономная некоммерческая ассоциация "Социальная помощь бездомным" (г.Владимир)
Информационно-консультационный центр (г.Озерск, Калининградской области)
Региональная общественная организация "Сударыня" (г.Таганрог)
Омский институт (филиал) "Российского государственного торгово-экономического университета" (г.Омск)
OOO "Алекс трэвел" (г.Москва)
Художественное содружество "Дерево Мира" (г.Новороссийск)
"Врачи детям" (г.Санкт-Петербург)
Пермская государственная медицинская академия (г.Пермь)
Некоммерческое партнерство "Универсальный клуб" (г.Саратов)
Общественный экологический центр Республики Саха (г.Якутск)
Клуб выпускников Московского государственного университета (г.Москва)
Воронежский институт высоких технологий (г.Воронеж)
Фонд будущих поколений Республики Саха (Якутия) (г.Якутск)
ООО "Хот Инглиш Мэгазин" (г.Санкт-Петербург)






Зачем России НПО?


Президент Путин: "Российские НПО - дело исключительно самих россиян".

На прошлой неделе центральные СМИ опубликовали заявление Центра общественных связей ФСБ о том, что после разоблачения четырех британских шпионов, один из которых занимался распределением грантов среди российских некоммерческих организаций, ФСБ проверит правозащитные организации, получающие деньги у зарубежных грантодателей.

В чем же причина таких мер и почему Президент с самого начала так жестко комментировал необходимость закона об НПО?

Казалось бы, ну получают люди деньги из Конгресса Вашингтона или Бундестага, ну проявили власти заграничных государств добрую волю и организовали какое-то количество рабочих мест для российских граждан. Что в этом плохого? Тем более, что небезызвестный фонд Сороса отложился в умах миллионов наших сограждан как фонд содействия России: о том, что Сорос "прославился" во многих странах своей подрывной деятельностью, многие россияне даже и не подозревают.

Мало кто осознает, в чем именно состоит опасность подобных общественных и некоммерческих организаций. По данным ФСБ, сегодня на территории Российской Федерации функционируют тысячи неправительственных организаций, из которых только около 10 процентов имеют официальную регистрацию Минюста. Большинство из них созданы и финансируются под патронажем правительственных и общественных организаций США и их союзников по НАТО.

Объяснить вред и даже опасность теперь уже сложнее, чем просто их запретить...

И все же. Первое: все некоммерческие организации, несмотря на их "разношерстность", четко структурированы и, как говорится, "заточены" под конкретную деятельность в различных сферах государства - образование, экономика, ВПК, в сферах высоких технологий, медицине, обществе и т. д. Второе: США в финансировании различных некоммерческих организаций, в том числе и правозащитных фондов, занимает лидирующие позиции, и решение, кому давать деньги, а кому нет, четко зависит от того, собирается ли проситель гранта отстаивать правильно и истинно демократические интересы.

Вот несколько примеров. Американский совет преподавателей русского языка и литературы (АСПРЯЛ) проводит исследования и разрабатывает программы и учебные материалы для российских школьников. Несложно представить, что за учебные материалы могут получить наши дети от этой организации, чья миссия состоит в содействии развитию демократии и гражданского общества, естественно, строго американского образца.

А вот латвийский комитет по правам человека не будет никогда получателем какого-либо гранта, поскольку отстаивает интересы русскоязычных школьников и их права обучаться на родном языке. Это неинтересно. Куда интереснее фонд Брауна, который финансировался правительством и министерством обороны США и занимался в России содействием конверсии оборонной промышленности, другими словами, помогая вместо танков и самолетов делать какие-то кастрюли и что-то там еще подобное...

В этой же нише работает и Фонд солдатских матерей, для которого сам факт существования Российской армии - это зло. А американский фонд гражданских исследований и развития создан для поддержки ученых и инженеров. Он занимается тем, что обеспечивает работой лучшие умы России, но уже, естественно, на благо других государств. Собственно, все слышали об "оттоке российских мозгов за границу". Кстати, российские ученые - это особая статья дохода в правительствах разных иностранных государств. Например, у нас действует как минимум четыре только германских фонда, чья направленность - научная деятельность.

Уже сам факт существования фондов, финансируемых из-за рубежа, вызывает вопрос: а какой, собственно, у них интерес, если организации не коммерческие, т. е. не стремятся получить выгоду, выраженную в каком-то денежном эквиваленте.

А интерес иной и более масштабный! Грантодателям необходимо получить как можно больше информации о государстве изнутри (что еще дороже, чем деньги) и затем пытаться влиять на политические и общественные процессы.

Госдепартамент США неожиданно бурно прореагировал с самого начала обсуждения поправок к закону об НПО, потребовав в ультимативном тоне немедленно приостановить принятие этих поправок. При этом Госдеп недвусмысленно дал понять, что от хода работы над поправками будет зависеть позиция США по вопросу принятия России в ВТО (США входит в число шести стран, с которыми России осталось согласовать позиции о вхождении в эту организацию).

Казалось бы, какое дело Вашингтону до российских общественных и некоммерческих объединений?

Но в том-то все и дело, что в современных условиях именно общественные неправительственные организации, объединения и фонды становятся главными проводниками глобализации и американизации. Там, где Вашингтон напрямую не может влиять на политические процессы, результаты выборов или итоги референдумов, в дело вступают неправительственные организации, которые действуют зачастую как "пятая колонна".

Именно поэтому США так важен пункт в нашем национальном законодательстве о возможности финансирования деятельности этих организаций из-за рубежа.

Прикрываясь часто вполне невинными целями и задачами, множество неправительственных организаций и фондов пронизывают всю структуру российского общества, особенно в зонах повышенной взрывоопасности. На Северном Кавказе, в Поволжье, национальных республиках. Формально они занимаются самыми нейтральными задачами: собирают информацию, налаживают систему образования, выдают гранты на исследования и помогают развивать локальные культуры. На самом деле эти структуры выполняют функции подрывных систем, являясь элементами той сетевой войны, которую ведет США против всех. И против своих союзников, и против своих противников, и против нейтральных сил. В учебнике по сетевым войнам американского вице-адмирала Сибровски это называется операциями "базового эффекта". Неприметная (а внешне вполне благородная) деятельность международных неправительственных организаций, не провозглашая никаких политических-целей и задач, на самом деле активно влияет на социальные процессы общественного строения, организуя под благовидным предлогом широкие группы активных людей, в первую очередь интеллигенцию, ученых, молодежь, религиозных и культурных деятелей. И в результате этой разнообразной и внешне никак не связанной между собой деятельности в различных направлениях происходит "базовый эффект", отражающийся в настроениях, электоральных предпочтениях и идеологическом настрое широких масс.

Головная структура, куда сходятся нити огромного количества неправительственных организаций, - это Freedom house (Дом Свободы), распложенный в США и возглавляемый бывшим директором ЦРУ Джеймсом Вулсли. Фактически мы имеем дело с разведывательной деятельностью эпохи информационного общества, которая проводится, в отличие от традиционных форм шпионажа, почти открыто. Мы видели, какую роль неправительственные организации и фонды сыграли в Сербии, Грузии, Украине. В том случае, когда у США и их ставленников не хватало сил осуществить переворот политическими средствами (с помощью выборов), они прибегали именно к этим неправительственным организациям, оперативно мобилизуя их сеть в необходимые массовки. Поэтому госдепартамент США и озабочен российским законодательством в этой сфере, откуда по предложению лично Путина были изъяты моменты, связанные с возможностью зарубежного финансирования.

Американцы надеялись на "увлеченность" Путиным либеральными теориями и предполагали (как обычно они поступали во времена Горбачева и Ельцина) обвести нас вокруг палеьца дважды: продавить устраивающий их закон об НПО и позже, с показной неохотой, согласиться на наше вступление в ВТО. Безупречная схема для них и - совершенно неприемлемая для нас.

К счастью, американский трюк не прошел, мы законодательно закрепили свою позицию, которую жестко сформулировал Президент Путин: "Российские НПО - дело исключительно самих россиян".

Да, это дело России как суверенной державы. Сильная и осознающая свой потенциал и стратегический масштаб Россия не нуждается ни в ВТО, ни в НПО. И последовательная национальная политика логично ведет к поиску иных моделей модернизации и в экономическом, и в социальном смысле.

Так, вроде банальный закон об общественных и некоммерческих организациях вполне может стать судьбоносным и ознаменовать собой водораздел между горбачевско-ельцинской инерцией безвременья и началом становления новой России - единой, сильной и неделимой. Свободной и не зависящий ни от кого, но открытой для партнерства и сотрудничества.

Александр Дугин, Руководитель Центра геополитических экспертиз





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